I do this one really incredible thing, and I do it really, really well - and that's getting you the results that elevate your brand. 

With over 1000 clients served to date from every corner of the globe I have the knowledge, tools and experience to guide you in business where you don't just thrive—you redefine whats possible for you





The opportunities that have opened up for me since working with Rachel are more than I had ever imagined. In just under 7 weeks I made $15k overnight with 49 students enrolled in my first course. It hasn’t stopped there, I have now made over a million dollars in cash from these courses in under 2 years and I am so blessed to have found this woman! She is such an amazing, friendly and fun person to work with."



“After 1 month, we're already on track to double last years revenue!”

In Gena's words:

"My little business is turning into a thriving company with the guidance of Rachel! After 1 month, we're already on track to double last years revenue with the ideas & plans that Rachel set out for me. if you’re looking to invest in your business, HERE IS THE PLACE!!!! 

ALISHA scaled her business by 10x 

 "I launched my first online offer & had over 102 clients sign up within 7 days!"

Alisha came to me charging towards the 6 figures a year mark, but she had high overheads, low profit and was working 40+ hours a week by herself with only one stream of income. She was stressed, lacked clarity and felt run down by her business. On the outside she had built a “successful” business, but it wasn't her definition of success.

Now, she has the largest day spa and beauty salon in her state, has a team of 5 staff, makes high multiple 6 figures working only 1 day a week, has won various awards in her industry and has her own team of dedicated staff bringing in income, servicing appointments and growing the brand.

When Alisha came to me, her goal was to create financial freedom and start having her business work for her, and not the other way around.

In order to do that we worked on her vision and goals for the company, built out marketing and social media strategies aligned with her needs, created new streams of income like products and trainings, and focused on salon growth and scaling by hiring a team to support her and her highest vision.

At the end of our time coaching together, Alisha has built a highly successful company, has now scaled her revenue to almost half a million dollars per year, and reduced her working hours to 1 day a week whilst still turning over 20-30K per week in revenue. Her overheads are low, and her profit is high. Her business now provides her the freedom she was seeking by being able to work and travel whenever and wherever she wants whilst her company still makes a profit and runs without her. 

And the best part? She’s only 22 years old, her success is just beginning!

In Alisha’s Words:
“In 4 Months Rachel has helped me grow my business to a successful less stressful, organised business within the first 2 months.
Not only in my business have I changed and grown, but within my personal life & within myself.
I have launched an Education Series & had over 102 clients sign up within 7 days. Without Rachel in my life, I would be a flustered, stressful & ran down business owner. I am now an inspired & determined business owner with 2 income streams!"


"I have now made over a million dollars in cash from working with Rachel!"

Zoe came to me making 36K a year and working 40+ hours a week with only stream of income. Now, she’s not only the largest high profile brand across her industry, she has created the dream work/life balance with global impact and high income, working a maximum of 20 hours a week and has a business revenue of over 670K per year. Her business operates worldwide, and makes money for her whilst she travels the world and spends time with family & friends. She now has a POWER brand that allows her to travel worldwide for work and speak on some of the largest stages at industry events in her space.

When Zoe came to me, her goal was to have financial freedom which allowed her to work whenever and wherever she wanted.

In order to do that, we worked through the internal systems and beliefs that governed her mindset. Breaking through these with CEO mindset & embodiment work set her up for success once we jumped into the more strategic side of the business coaching, like building authority on social media and product suit development and online course creation.

At the end of our time coaching together, Zoe has a product suite of Multiple Online Courses and Sold out In Person events which inject her business with consistent 50K-100K cash months alone and has made over a million dollars through her offerings to date.

With over 2000 students enrolled worldwide, and now the biggest audience and empire in her industry world wide, Zoe is able to educate and help people achieve their goals while also getting more time for herself and her mental health.

In Zoe’s Words:

“The opportunities that have opened up for me since working with Rachel are more than I had ever imagined. My goals have altered so much for the better and I am honestly so happy I have found her. She has guided me down the direction I have always wanted to go, “success” I am now getting a little taste of what success means to me and we still have so much more to go.

In my first launch ever and first few weeks working with Rachel, we created an online course in just under 7 weeks and made $15k overnight with 49 students enrolled. It hasn’t stopped there, I have now made over a million dollars in cash from these courses and I am so blessed to have found this woman! She is such an amazing, friendly and fun person to work with.”

There’s Some Pretty Cool Stories Behind Those Screenshots.


“Rachel is the mentor go-getters need to help make their dreams a reality."

When Sam came to me she was stressed out, working as a marketing exec in a 9-5 building someone else's dream. She had decades of experience on her side, but no idea how to take that experience, passion and drive and turn it into a successful business she founded.

When Sam first hired me, she was just looking for coaching to climb the ranks within the 9-5 she was working from. However, from the moment I met her I knew she was destined for more. I had a vision of her going out on her own and running her own marketing agency, and the moment I shared this vision with her, she was invested and ready to claim what she truly desired - to become a female founder and change the world with her OWN business.

Fast forward to today, Sam runs one of the largest marketing agencies in the world, she has been featured in the likes of Forbes, Ad world and spoke on some of the largest stages across the country. She was worked with some of the largest known businesses across the world - from Notion, to Zapier, Fiverr, Canva and even Tik Tok!

Talk about a total dream come true!

In order to do that we focused on building her agency from the ground up. We worked through the internal systems and beliefs that governed her mindset. Breaking through these with CEO mindset & embodiment work set her up for success once we jumped into the more strategic side of the business coaching, like building her agency, offer suite development, creating the back end systems and processes and focused on how to sell & market her business and offers.

In Sam’s Words:
“I thank my lucky stars every day for Rachel! She has step-changed my business acumen, as well as my entrepreneurial aptitude. I couldn’t feel more confident having launched my consulting firm. Rachel is the mentor go-getters need to help make their dreams a reality.”


"I could not have made a better investment in myself or for my business by hiring Rachel!!”

In Amandas Words:

If you need to get yourself in action & slay that thing that you’re scared of doing, Get Rachel!!! As someone with all the ideas and none of the execution I could not have made a better investment in myself, with my money or for my business by hiring Rachel!